SOLAR PV MODULE 144 Cells Monocrystalline , Monofacial, Half Cut Monoperc, Micro Gap


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CYLINDRICAL TABBING WIRE increases cell absorption by enhancing scattering effects

Implementation of bypass diodes in split JB series-parallel connections enable the module to perform in PARTIAL SHADOW CONDITIONS with respect to full-cell module

HIGHER NUMBER OF BUSBARS make the PV modules less prone to loss in efficiency and increases tolerance to micro cracks

FIELD RELIABILITY is improved due to multiple contact points on the cell which lowers the cell stress during module fabrication

LCOE IS CUT BACK by using M10 size solar cell with adding more power output than lower size cell module

LOWER INTERNAL RESISTANCE boosts module power helping to achieve minimal power loss with respect to previous variant modules

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Capacity kW

525, 530, 535, 540, 545, 550


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